International Partners

  • Université Québec Trois-Rivières UQTR for scientific and research exchange programs. The first project implementation is starting by next September. A 3 years regional project Rwanda, DRC and Burundi and the University of Rwanda: The project is around Political violence in the region and cognitive emotions (Violence politique sur le fonctionnement affectif et cognitif des individus.). Focal Person: Professor Isabelle Blanchette
  • Université Saint-Louis-Bruxelles through the “Centre de Recherche en Science Politique (CRESPO)”, on a joint research project: “The sentinel and the rebel. Multi-choice policing in Rwanda and the state-centered approach of security sector reform”. Focal person Gilles Biaumet, (U Saint-Louis Brussels).
  • Université Catholique de Louvain through the Centre for development studies, Focal person. Professor An Ansoms. In this frame a five year regional project is starting soon on civil society organizations in Rwanda. Beyond this specific project, IRDP is developing with the very famous university in Belgium a space for research capacity development in particular on research methodology development in the post genocide society context: Ethical issues and innovation.
  • Centre for Human Rights and Policy Studies (CHRIPS) Nairobi. The collaboration has started by concluding a research on Assessing the effectiveness of alternative community-led security mechanisms in urban East Africa.
  • Tilburg University Netherland